
A selection of publications by lecturers and other partners associated with NEWTON University

  1. AMBROZOVÁ, E., ULLRICH, D., KOLEŇÁK, J., SLÁDEK, P., ZEZULA, J., MILICHOVSKÝ, F. 2021. Sustainable Mental Mobility for Professional Leadership in Security Environment. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 11(1), 203 – 209. ISSN 1804 – 7890. (Jimp)
  2. AMBROZOVÁ, E. 2020. Cognitive Domain as the Main Domain of Management. In: Management-Tourism-Culture. Studies and reflections on Tourism management. Krakow: Ignatianum University Press. pp. 203 – 217. ISBN 978 – 83 – 7614 – 468‑9. (Jost)
  3. BENETTI, K. 2022. Sustainable Growth and Development of Economic Systems: Contradictions in the Era of Digitalization and Globalization. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 406 p. Part I: Factors and Conditions of Sustainable Development of Modern Socio-economic Systems, Chapter 1: Challenges of Corporate Risk Management After the Global Financial Crisis. pp. 3 – 11. 406 p. ISBN: 978 – 3030117535. DOI: 10.1007/978 – 3‑030 – 11754 – 2_1. Downloads, Part I, Chapter 1: 811 (14.10.2022). (B)
  4. DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Z. 2022. Digitalization and Executive Education: A Czech Case. In: ZARAMENSKIKH, E., FEDOROVA, A. (eds) Digitalization of Society, Economics and Management. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. Vol. 53, pp. 337 – 348. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 94251‑9. Online ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 94252‑6. – 3‑030 – 94252 – 6_25. (Jsc)
  5. DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Z., POLENTS I. 2021. Entrepreneurship Education and Digital Literacy as Element of Innovative Learning. In: ZARAMENSKIKH, E., FEDOROVA, A. (eds) Digital Transformation and New Challenges. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. Vol. 45, pp. 253 – 263. Springer, Cham. – 3‑030 – 71397 – 3_19. (Jsc)
  6. DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Z., FEDOROVA, A., ATAS, H. 2022. Workplace Well-Being in Employee Estimates. In: ASHMARINA, S. I., MANTULENKO, V. V., VOCHOZKA, M. (eds) Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Smart Nations: Global Trends In The Digital Economy”. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 397, pp. 529 – 540. Springer, Cham. – 3‑030 – 94873 – 3_67. (Jsc)
  7. HADRIAN, P., MILICHOVSKÝ, F., MRÁČEK, P. 2021. The concept of strategic control in marketing management in connection to measuring marketing performance. Sustainability, 13(7), 1 – 21. ISSN: 2071 – 1050. (Jimp)
  8. KOLEŇÁK, J., ULLRICH, D., AMBROZOVÁ, E., POKORNÝ, V. 2020. Critical Thinking and Leadership in Industry 4.0 Environment. In: International Business Information Management Association Conference. Vision 2025: Education Excellence and Management of Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage. Madrid, Spain: International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), roč. 2019, p. 1826 – 1836. ISBN 978 – 0‑9998551 – 3‑3. (Jost)
  9. KUREŠ, M. 2021. On Münchhausen numbers. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 14 – 21. ISSN: 1310 – 5132. (Jost)
  10. LEHMERT, K., AMBROZOVÁ, E., POKORNÝ, V., KOLEŇÁK, J. 2021. “Microdosing of Psychoactive Substances in Business Practice” Businesses 1, no. 3: 196 – 205. (Jost)
  11. MILICHOVSKÝ, F., HORNUNGOVÁ, J., PETROVÁ, K., 2020. Modeling cause and effect relationships of strategy map using economic and social performance factors in the organizational culture. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(3), 613 – 624. ISSN: 1211 – 8516. (Jsc)
  12. NESIBA J., ČUHLOVÁ R. 2021. Intellectual Property Management. Patents and sugar. Listy Cukrovarnické a Řepařské 137 (5): 212 – 217. ISSN: 1210 – 3306. (Jimp)
  13. PALÁT, M. PALÁTOVÁ, Š. 2022. Microeconomic appraisal of pork market indicators including correlation matrices and developmental trend models in the EU. Bulg. Journal of Agric. Science. Sv. 28, č. 1, s. 10 – 18. ISSN 1310 – 0351. (Jost)
  14. PÁNKOVÁ, B. 2021. Sledování kognitivního vývoje v průběhu vysokoškolského studia. In: BUCHTOVÁ, T., BALABAN, V. Working Academics Value Excellence for International Teachers. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, s. 316 – 324. ISBN 978 – 80 – 244‑6011‑6. (D)
  15. PLECHATA KRAUSOVA, A. 2020. Latin American Social Movements: Bringing Strategy Back In. Latin American Research Review, 55(4), 839 – 849. DOI: (Jimp) 
  16. PŘIBYL, M., NAVRÁTILOVÁ L. 2022. Case study — Financial benefits of brand building for employees. Acta Sting. Brno: Vysoká škola Sting. Vol. 11. ISSN 1805 – 6873. (Jost)
  17. REJNUŠ, O. BRAUNER, R. 2020. Risk factors of current crisis management of the euro area and their impact on the economic development of the European Union. International journal of public administration, management and economic development, č. 5, s. 44 – 60. ISSN: 2533 – 4077. (Jost)
  18. VALEŠ, L. a kol. 2020. Transformace veřejné správy ve vybraných zemích střední Evropy. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií. 183 s. ISBN 978 – 80- 7556 – 068‑1. (B)
  19. ULLRICH, D., AMBROZOVÁ, E., KOLEŇÁK, J., POKORNÝ, V. 2021. Selected methods of systemic approach for adult education. In: Adul Education 2020 – Reflection, Reality and Potential of the Virtual Word. Prague: Czech Andragogy Society, 2021, s. 204 – 219. ISBN 978 – 80 – 907807 – 7‑2. ( D wos)
  20. ULLRICH, D., AMBROZOVÁ, E., POKORNÝ, V., MILICHOVSKÝ, F., KUBA, K.. 2020. Indicators of the psychophysical condition of an individual for coping with challenging conditions of security environment. Ad alta-journal of interdisciplinary research, 10(1), 195 – 200. ISSN 1804 – 7890. (Jimp)
  21. ZIMČÍK, P. 2021. Employment and Taxation in OECD Countries. In: NÁLEPOVÁ, V., PAVLORKOVÁ, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY. Ostrava: Vysoká škola PRIGO, pp. 530 – 539. ISSN 2571 – 1776; e‑ISSN 2694 – 796X; ISBN 978 – 80 – 87291 – 29‑0. (D)